
Some or Any?
Some or any are used for plural - countable as well as uncountable - nouns, in case the speaker does not specify the exact number or amount of something. Notice the difference between the following two sentences:
My brother has bought five apples.
My brother has bought some apples.
In the first example the number five seems to be important, whereas the second sentence indicates that the number is irrelevant.
Now, what is the difference between some and any? When do we use which?
SOME is used for:
1) Affirmative statements
Susan has bought some postcards.
Tom will return to Canada some day.
2) Polite questions and requests (a positive answer is expected)
May I have some orange juice, please?
Would you like some blueberries?
ANY is used for:
1) Negations 
Sue doesn't go anywhere alone.
Jennifer didn't know anyone at the party.
2) Questions
Have you got any children?
Have you noticed anything strange?
3) Conditional Clauses (If-Sentences)
If I had any idea, I would let you know.
If I knew anybody in this city, I would not feel so lonely.
4) Affirmative Statements (only if any is used to indicate that it doesn't matter which, in German: irgendein)
My father knows anything everything about biology. You can ask him any question.
It is ridiculous. She would do anything to become famous.