Die Aufgabenstellung:

Read the text about Indian's historical background carefully. Afterwards, match the sentences with their correct answers.
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When the Portuguese first started trading there at the beginning of the 16th century, India was known as a rich country, with a civilisation that was many thousands of years old. Other Europeans followed - the Dutch, the British and the French. By about 1760, Britain had become the most important European power in India. Over a period of about another century, the British spread their control to the whole of the subcontinent.
However, India was not ruled directly by Britain, but by the British East India Company, which had a monopoly on trade with India until 1813. In 1833 the Company stopped trading; from then on its only job was governing India. The end of the Company came after a rebellion was started by Indian soldiers in 1857. After the rebels were defeated, Britain ruled India directly and declared all Indians British citizens.
As a colony, India was used mainly for British interests. Britain's industries got their raw materials there and it was a huge market for British goods. The development of a strong administration, the use of English as the official language and the building of railway lines helped Britain to govern India and make more profit from it.
From the middle of the 19th century, Indian nationalists fought for the freedom of their country, a fight that lasted until 1947. Its most famous leader was Mahatma Ghandi, with his peaceful campaigns of civil disobedience. Independence came, however, only at a price: the country was divided into two separate states.
1. In about 1857,
2. The Indian fight for freedom
3. India's most famous leader
d_odin / Shutterstock.com
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