Didaktische Hinweise:

Didaktische Hinweise

Nummer Name Beschreibung
1. Didaktische Hinweise


Nummer Name Beschreibung
1. Airport and travelling by plane Vocabulary related to the topic 'Airport and travelling by plane'
2. Trip, journey and travel Theory which describes the difference between the words 'trip, journey and travel'
3. Hotel Vocabulary related to the topic 'Hotels'
4. Phrasal verbs for travelling Phrasal verbs for travelling
5. Types of accommodation Vocabulary related to the topic 'Accommodation'
6. Ways of travelling Vocabulary related to ways of travelling and transport
7. Travel activities Vocabulary related to travel activities
8. Travelling by sea Vocabulary related to voyage and travelling by sea


Nummer Name Art Schwierigkeitsgrad Punkte Beschreibung
1. Spelling: At the airport 1 - Rezeptiv leicht 1 Vocabulary and spelling practise related to the topiс 'Airport'
2. At the airport 1 - Rezeptiv leicht 1,5 Gap-filling and vocabulary practise related to the topic 'Airport'
3. Accommodation and airport 1 - Rezeptiv leicht 1 Match the words with the pictures: Types of accommodation, Airports
4. At the hotel 1 - Rezeptiv leicht 1,5 Match the words with the pictures: Practise in vocabulary related to the topic 'Hotels'
5. Spelling: Hotels and airports 2 - interpretativ mittel 3 Fill in the sentences with the appropriate word related to the topic 'Hotels and airport'
6. Phrasal verbs 2 - interpretativ mittel 3 Multiple-choice questions related to phrasal verbs for travelling
7. Hotels: Different types 2 - interpretativ mittel 3 Fill in the gaps: Vocabulary practise related to the topic 'Hotels'
8. Transport and other terms 2 - interpretativ mittel 3 Gap-filling and vocabulary practise related to the topic 'Types of transport'
9. Reading: Chile 2 - interpretativ mittel 3 True/false questions: Reading practise related to the topic 'Travelling'
10. Reading: The Rockies 2 - interpretativ mittel 3 True/false questions: Reading practise related to the topic 'Travelling'
11. Reading: The magic of India 2 - interpretativ mittel 3 Practise in reading related to the topic 'Travelling'
12. Reading: The White Cliffs of Dover 2 - interpretativ mittel 3 True/false tasks: Reading practise related to the topic 'Travelling'
13. Listening: Mongolian vacation 3 - analytisch schwer 4,5 Listening task with multiple-choice questions related to the topic 'Travelling'
14. Reading: A business traveller 3 - analytisch schwer 4,5 True/false questions: Practise in reading related to the topic 'Travelling'
15. Listening: Travellers' plans 3 - analytisch schwer 4,5 Fill in the gaps: Listening practise related to the topic 'Travelling'
16. Listening: Kiwi adventure 3 - analytisch schwer 4,5 Practise in listening and vocabulary related to the topic 'Travelling'
17. Listening: Beaches 3 - analytisch schwer 4,5 Listening practise with true/false statements related to the topic 'Travelling'
18. Listening: Glasgow 3 - analytisch schwer 4,5 Listening practise with true/false statements related to the topic 'Travelling'
19. Reading: Canadian dog sleds 3 - analytisch schwer 4,5 Reading practise with multiple-choice questions related to the topic 'Travelling'

Zusätzliche Beispiele (nur für Lehrende sichtbar)

Nummer Name Art Schwierigkeitsgrad Punkte Beschreibung
1. All about hotels Andere leicht 1 Practise in spelling and understanding vocabulary related to the topic 'Hotels'
2. Reading: Poland Andere mittel 3 Practise in reading and understanding vocabulary related to the topic 'Travelling'
3. Reading: Portugal Andere mittel 3 Practise in reading and understanding vocabulary related to the topic 'Travelling'
4. Writing a letter: Your memorable trip Andere schwer 7 Practise in writing a letter using vocabulary related to the topic 'Travelling'
5. Writing: Essay about travelling Andere schwer 10 Practise in writing an essay using vocabulary related to the topic 'Travelling'

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