Didaktische Hinweise:

Didaktische Hinweise

Nummer Name Beschreibung
1. Didaktische Hinweise


Nummer Name Beschreibung
1. Indefinite article (a/an) Grammar material about different situations when we can use a/an
2. Definite article Grammar information about the definite article with examples
3. Without articles Grammar material about phrases that are used without articles
4. Zero and definite article Grammar material related to the zero article with examples
5. Words with the definite article Grammar related to the use of the definite article


Nummer Name Art Schwierigkeitsgrad Punkte Beschreibung
1. The indefinite article (a/an) 1 - Rezeptiv leicht 1 Gap-filling: indefinite article (a/an)
2. Articles a/an/the 1 - Rezeptiv leicht 1 Mutiple-choice questions
3. Articles in phrases 1 - Rezeptiv leicht 1 Grammar practicse in articles: the definite/zero articles
4. Which article is used? 2 - interpretativ mittel 2 Grammar practice related to articles
5. Indefinite or definite article 2 - interpretativ mittel 2 Multiple-choice questions: All types of articles
6. Zero article or definite article 2 - interpretativ mittel 2 Multiple-choice questions: Definite and no articles
7. Zero article or definite article (2) 2 - interpretativ mittel 2 Multiple-choice questions: Definite and zero articles
8. Listening: Angels 3 - analytisch schwer 2 Listening practise: Fill in the gaps.
9. Listening: Hero 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Listening practise: Fill in the gaps.
10. Listening: The voice within 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Listening practise: Fill in the gaps.

Zusätzliche Beispiele (nur für Lehrende sichtbar)

Nummer Name Art Schwierigkeitsgrad Punkte Beschreibung
1. Grammar: The or no article? Andere leicht 1 The definite article
2. Grammar: Can you find the mistakes? Andere mittel 2 Sentences with or without mistakes
3. Listening: The big five Andere schwer 3 Listening practise: Fill in the gaps.
4. Listening: Treasure hunt Andere schwer 3 Listening practise: Fill in the gaps.
5. Writing: Sentences with/without articles Andere schwer 4 Practise in grammar and writing

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