Study the information about phrasal verbs.
Verbs + out.
1. Out can be used in the sense of ‘not burning, not shining’.
Go out
Put out
Turn out
Blow out
Put out
Turn out
Blow out
We don’t need the candle. You can blow it out.

We managed to put the fire out.
2. Work out can have different meanings:
- do physical exercises;
- develop, progress
- for mathematical calculations
- calculate, think about a problem and find the answer
Rachel works out at the gym three times a week.

3. Remember these words:
Carry out an order/an experiment
Fall out = stop being friends
Find out = get information
Give/hand things out = give to each person
Point something out = draw attention to something
Run out (of something)
Sort something out = find a solution to, put in order
Try out a machine, a system, a new idea = test it to see if it is OK
Turn out to be
The weather wasn’t so good in the morning, but it turned out nice later.

There are some problems we need to sort out.
Raymond Murphy. English Grammar in Use- Cambridge: CUP, 379p.