Didaktische Hinweise:

Didaktische Hinweise

Nummer Name Beschreibung
1. Didaktische Hinweise


Nummer Name Beschreibung
1. Some or Any? - Theory Use of "some" and "any"


Nummer Name Art Schwierigkeitsgrad Punkte Beschreibung
1. SOME and its Compounds 1 - Rezeptiv leicht 1,5 Fill in the appropriate word by choosing from the following list. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
2. SOME and its Compounds (2) 1 - Rezeptiv leicht 1,5 Fill in the appropriate word by choosing from the following list. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
3. ANY and its Compounds 1 - Rezeptiv leicht 1,5 Fill in the appropriate word by choosing from the following list. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
4. ANY and its Compounds (2) 1 - Rezeptiv leicht 1,5 Fill in the appropriate word by choosing from the following list. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
5. DropDown: Some or Any? 2 - interpretativ mittel 2 Choose the appropriate word.
6. DropDown: Some or Any? (2) 2 - interpretativ mittel 2 Choose the appropriate word.
7. DropDown: Some or Any? (3) 2 - interpretativ mittel 2 Choose the appropriate word.
8. DropDown: Some or Any? (4) 2 - interpretativ mittel 2 Choose the appropriate word.
9. DropDown: Some or Any? (5) 2 - interpretativ mittel 2 Choose the appropriate word.
10. DropDown: Some or Any? (6) 2 - interpretativ mittel 2 Choose the appropriate word.
11. DropDown: Some or Any? (7) 2 - interpretativ mittel 2 Choose the appropriate word.
12. DropDown: Some or Any? (8) 2 - interpretativ mittel 2 Choose the appropriate word.
13. GapFilling: Some or Any? 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Fill in the appropriate word by choosing from the following list. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
14. GapFilling: Some or Any? (2) 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Fill in the appropriate word by choosing from the following list. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
15. GapFilling: Some or Any? (3) 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Fill in the appropriate word by choosing from the following list. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
16. GapFilling: Some or Any? (4) 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Fill in the appropriate word by choosing from the following list. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
17. GapFilling: Some or Any? (5) 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Fill in the appropriate word by choosing from the following list. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
18. GapFilling: Some or Any? (6) 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Fill in the appropriate word by choosing from the following list. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
19. GapFilling: Some or Any? (7) 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Fill in the appropriate word by choosing from the following list. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
20. GapFilling: Some or Any? (8) 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Fill in the appropriate word by choosing from the following list. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.

Zusätzliche Beispiele (nur für Lehrende sichtbar)

Nummer Name Art Schwierigkeitsgrad Punkte Beschreibung
1. DropDown: Some or Any? (9) Andere mittel 2 Choose the appropriate word.
2. DropDown: Some or Any? (10) Andere mittel 2 Choose the appropriate word.
3. GapFilling: Some or Any? (9) Andere schwer 3 Fill in the appropriate word by choosing from the following list. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
4. GapFilling: Some or Any? (10) Andere schwer 3 Fill in the appropriate word by choosing from the following list. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.

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